
Music Concert Etiquette

Concert Etiquette for Parents

The audience is a very important part of a musical performance. It is the responsibility of the audience to provide a listening atmosphere in which all can appreciate the performance.

Please make sure cell phones are turned off. Cell phones can interfere with wireless microphones and recording equipment, and they have a tendency to make unwelcome noises. The light from a cell phone screen can be distracting to performers on stage and other audience members.

While the performance is in progress, please remain seated and quiet. It is a danger and fire hazard to be seated or standing in an aisle.

Do not leave the auditorium during the music, unless you’re carrying a screaming child, in which case please leave as quickly as possible.

Show your appreciation for the hard work of our students by applauding at appropriate times. Wait until the conductor has dropped their arms to be certain that the musical selection is over. It is not appropriate to play the “last clap game.” It is also not appropriate to whistle or cheer at formal music performances or to call out a student’s name.

Do not leave as soon as your child’s portion of the concert is over. All of the students deserve the full audience for their performance.

Please do not sing or clap along unless you’ve been invited to do so.

Thank you for making our performances the best that they can be. The music department is pleased to present our winter concert series:

Tuesday, December 3: Orchestras

Wednesday, December 4: Bands

Thursday, December 5: Choruses 

Beetlejuice Jr. Production Information

Southampton Middle School Drama Club is very excited to announce our 24-25 production: the newly released Beetlejuice Jr. 


All students interested in being part of the Drama Club should complete and return the SOMS Drama Club Permission Slip 24-25.pdf by Monday October 8th and attend the Information Meeting on Tuesday October 9th from 3-4pm in the Lecture Hall.


Students who are interested in being cast in the show should review the SOMS Drama Club Cast Member Guidelines 24-25.pdf and follow the directions to complete the online Audition Form by October 10th. Once the audition form is completed, students will receive an email with their audition day/time and the specific information about what to prepare for their audition. 


Students who are interested in being part of the crew should review the SOMS Drama Crew Member Guidelines 24-25.pdf and follow the directions to complete the Online Crew Commitment Form. There are also directions for students who wish to complete the application for crew leadership positions. These are both due by October 11th. 


Please also review the SOMS Drama Rehearsal Schedule 24-25.pdf before committing to the production.


Students can pick up hard copies of any of the attached documents in the main office, the media center, or room 210. Permission slips should be returned to room 210 or the main office.


Please direct any and all questions to Mrs. Gusso at [email protected]


National Chess Day - October 12 & 13th