
  • Our School-Wide Character Education Program is Rachel’s Challenge focusing on Kindness Matters and Acceptance of Self and Others.  School Counselors will be implementing classroom lessons to support these themes based on Rachel’s Five Challenges and the School Improvement Plan.

Rachel’s Five Challenges:

  • Dream Big and Believe in Yourself
  • Be Kind to Others
  • Practice Positive Gossip
  • Appreciate Everyone, Mock No one
  • Forgive Others and Yourself


Get involved: Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Guthrie, and Mrs. Harcarik facilitate the Friends of Rachel Clubs during the school day.  Help promote Rachel’s Five Challenges through activities such as the Word of the Month/Quote of the Week Club, Thank You Committee; Positive Gossip and Community Projects.  If you’re interested, please sign up in the School Counseling Office.

  •  Peer Helpers:

Are you in need of academic support?  Do you need assistance organizing your binder?  We offer student-to-student tutoring at Southampton during the school day.  Please contact your grade level counselor to sign up if you are interested. 


  • Small Group Counseling:

Our department offers small group counseling in the areas of stress management, grief/loss, family change, and social skills.  These groups meet during the school day.  Please contact your grade level counselor if you’re interested in learning more.