

The physical education department is offering after-school intramurals from the start of October to the end of April.  This is a structured program which enhances learning through game play and allows for students to have fun with their peers.

All intramurals will take place between 2:55 p.m. and 3:45p.m.  Intramurals will be communicated to students through homeroom announcements and in physical education class.  A bulletin board in the physical education hallway will also be updated with current information for students to access. Full participation in physical education is a prerequisite for attendance.  If a student is medically excused from PE, they can not participate in intramurals until cleared by a doctor.


In order to participate in intramurals, permission slips must be signed and returned to a physical education teacher.  If this is the first you’re your child has participated in intramurals please read the Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness documents which can be found on the schools homepage.  Students participating in the intramural program must remain in their last period class until the walker bell and report to the locker room to change into their PE uniform.  Students are dismissed from intramurals around 3:45 p.m. to return to the locker to change into their school clothes and must be picked up NO LATER than 4:00 p.m.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Buerhaus, the intramural director, at [email protected].

Session 1 Basketball
Session 1 Flag Football